Why I Write

Why I Write

I write because it is a way to express my thoughts without the emotions and drama that comes with being a Human Being. It is a universal way to organize thoughts and emotions and present them in a neat and civilized way. It is a form of communication which one can interpret for themselves and picture their own mind within the words on the paper. A letter from a distant location can warm the soul of a long away friend or relative or change the mind of a distant enemy. Writing thoughts or lists with piles of paper in front can bring a spirit and energy to me personally of intellectualism and serenity. Like reading it opens a path to a greater and stronger mind. This skill had ended wars and brought freedom to some of the harshest places on Earth.

The words of many of the greatest historical figures and artists have been remembered for decades, centuries and even millenniums due to the skill of good writing, even the words of the All Mighty himself. Great words, sentences, quotes, stories and excerpts from great works like the Bible, the Magna Carta, Declaration of Independence, Gettysburg Address and the hundreds of other most famous speeches of all time. From the great songs that cradle or light up our ears to the great plays or books that cradle or light up our eyes or more importantly our ever so precious and advanced minds. Our minds have made the world, our ideas and courage to express have boldly moved Mankind from the Swamps to the Stars and even the Moon, for all who say that the Skies are the limit. From great artists like William Shakespeare to Charles Dickens to Mark Knopfler and great minds like Benjamin Franklin to Henry Ford and to the great Martin Luther King Jr. Where would we be without this simple ritual of pen to paper and the magic of the power of words creased by the pens welded by the great minds and inspirations of the whole of time. For writing unites us all. 


3 thoughts on “Why I Write

  1. Dear Charles,

    This piece was beautiful in the way that it shows the many, many reasons why writing is important. You wrote beyond “writing because I like to”, which is just as important, but instead showed the feelings and emotions that different pieces can carry.

    I would suggest splitting up the two paragraphs into shorter segments so you don’t have to worry about losing your readers’ interests mid-paragraph. Also I think that the sentence, “From the great songs that cradle or light up our ears to the great plays or books that cradle or light up our eyes or more importantly our ever so precious and advanced minds.” is a little confusing and could do with some added punctuation or editing.

    I am really looking forward to your future writing and the chance to be able to understand and see your outlooks on life.


  2. Charles

    My friend, you are a gift from God, I hope you realize that. I always knew you were an incredible person but it never occured to me how much sense it would make for you to be an incredible writer as well. You read so much it astonishes me, and mark my words, there are things that you know that I can’t even begin to wrap my head around.

    How essential writing is. Communication. It’s so simple yet so complex. Something so large the idea of communication can be easily twisted into something unreal and abstract, however the way you spoke of it so clearly and beautifully made that complexity simply understandable.

    The only thing I would call upon for improvement is watch the inexplicable capital letters on certain words and phrases such as in the excerpt “d Mankind from the Swamps to the Stars and even the Moon, for all who say that the Skies are the limit. ” It would look a lot better with proper punctuation.

    All in all, I love you Charles, keep being awesome.

  3. Charles

    My friend, you are a gift from God, I hope you realize that. I always knew you were an incredible person but it never occured to me how much sense it would make for you to be an incredible writer as well. You read so much it astonishes me, and mark my words, there are things that you know that I can’t even begin to wrap my head around.

    How essential writing is. Communication. It’s so simple yet so complex. Something so large the idea of communication can be easily twisted into something unreal and abstract, however the way you spoke of it so clearly and beautifully made that complexity simply understandable.

    The only thing I would call upon for improvement is watch the inexplicable capital letters on certain words and phrases such as in the excerpt “d Mankind from the Swamps to the Stars and even the Moon, for all who say that the Skies are the limit. ” It would look a lot better with proper punctuation.

    All in all, I love you Charles, keep being awesome!

    With all my heart,


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